About Us

Know About

When you’re asked “what’s your sign?” the most basic answer is one of the 12 zodiac signs the sun was in when you were born. But that’s just one tiny detail in a much larger, heavily layered, complicated, individual picture that illustrates your very own astrological story. We, professional astrologers, look at a whole chart, which you can think of as a snapshot of the sky when you were born – based on not only the month and day but the year, time, and place of your birth. This means even two people born on the same exact month, day, and year, but at different times and in different locations, will have their own unique chart. That’s because all the celestial bodies move at different rates through the signs.We can use this movement of planets to explain the current event like marriage or election,social trends, financial market.Our moto is to understand the key building blocks of astrology to improve your self awareness and give a proper direction to your physical, mental, emotional and financial life and connect yoy with the “Science of the Mother of all Sciences ”

Facing struggles in life?

We Astha D Destiny here to answer this.

Love and marriage :- Facing relationship struggle? OR Simply trying to change your life in small ways? Having stressful relationship? Astro Punam Agarwala have available many strategies to help you to provide you the best version of your love life.

Health :- Going through health issues?Finding yourself in a unsolved loop of hospitals, medicines,and doctors .Astha D Destiny will help you to come out from this.It is never too late to pick up a habit that can improve your well being for the rest of your life.

Success and Wealth :- Doing lots of efforts. But not gaining the goals you want to achieve. Astha D Destiny is here with you. We are all works in progress. And it takes effort and dedication to grow and evolve in a positive direction. Fortunately, there is never a bad time to set new goals for yourself, and it’s never to late to pick up a success habit.We guide you till you achieve your goals and success.

Career and Job :- Trying hard but far away from job as per your ability whether it’s Government or Private . It is time to keep aside all your worries as Astha D Destiny shows you the best way for you and give your life a proper direction in your career path.

Spiritual growth :- Astrology provides Cosmic clues as to why you are attracted to, repelled by or indifferent to those you meet.Some connections are sparked by friction, and Astrology helps you take the long view, and see them as challenges that cause you both to grow. Astha D Destiny guides the path needs for your Spiritual Growth

Our Motto

Astha D Destiny believes in serving the humanity through astrological potential and to reveal the known unknown to you. Astrology It falls more in the category of metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical. It’s similar to other fields that are founded on ancient theories of energy patterns, like feng shui, acupuncture, and yoga. Astrology at high levels is a mastery of its particular science and the intuitive arts. As the earliest known ordering of existence, long before recorded history, it’s been called the “Mother of all Sciences.”


Our Belief

Many Rishis, like Vashistha, Bhrigu, and Garga, mastered astrology and taught it orally. Before Kaliyuga began in 3102 B.C., Sage Parasara distilled Vedic astrology’s essence into the Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, which he imparted to his disciple Maitreya. This knowledge was passed down orally through generations. Renowned figures like Chanakya, Aryabhatta, and Brahmagupta were blessed with astrology’s wisdom. Astha D Destiny believes that if these legendary sages trusted astrology’s power, so should we. Astrology posits that planetary movements influence time, and our birth moment holds significant celestial meaning.

What My Clients Says

Testimonials from satisfied clients who experienced positive transformations through our accurate astrology readings and guidance.
Harsha Astrologer

Your kind nature helped me to be completely open to the input you provided.You provided me with a big picture overview of everything that has happened in my life in the past and everything that is currently happening based on my natal chart. You really helped me alot when I was confused and not confident about my career, now I got a clear path and it would not be possible without you. My experience with you was absolutely amazing. I was blessed to get in touch with you, thank you from the bottom of my heart..

Anita Astrologer

Helloo!! I am Anita Singhal. I wanna review the session I had with you. Wow! Just had an amazing reading with Empowering Astrology. I love how we were able to mix astrology and channeling into one session. Together we were able to get rid of some energy. Words can’t explain. Wow. Just wow. I need a nap now. I would highly recommend getting a reading from her. It was really a great experience

Mahak Astrologer

My name is Mahak Singhal. I had one of the session with you and the reading I received from you really helped me see the light in my life. Your ability to use my natal chart to connect with me felt like magic. I felt rejuvenated after our conversation had ended. This reading uncovered what I was looking for. You gave me a sense of self I had lost, and encouraged me to keep pushing forward. Thank you so much!!